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Author Guidelines

The author must follow the steps for the on line submission. It's also possible to send the article in Word or Open Office format to the Editorial Board. Depending on the content of the article, the Editorial Board will decide in which section of the journal it will be included. The journal publishes mainly in Italian and Spanish. However, at the discretion of the editorial staff, contributions in other languages may also be accepted.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission is not already published or sent to other scientific journals (unless it has to be sufficiently declared to the editor)
  • Submission file resembles the following formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic features declared in the Autor Guidelines, contained in the information section of the journal
  • If possible, the author must indicate references' URLs
  • If the purpose is to send the submission to a peer review section of the journal, follow the instructions contained in How to ensure a blind review

Recovered words

This section proposes newly translated or edited versions of forgotten pages of literary criticism, theory and history of literature that are still full of suggestions and can renew the approach to texts, genres and deep rooted critical concepts.


This section contains articles related to the topics proposed by call and/or discussed annually in the seminars of the Mambrino Project. Authors can freely propose their contributions to the editorial board.


This section publishes transcriptions of texts and archive documents and other  documentary materials relating to the research on chivalric literature.

Reports and Book reviews

Puede acoger artículos sobre otros temas relacionados con el ámbito de la revista, así como transcripciones de textos y documentos de archivo sobre literatura caballeresca

Special section

The special sections of the journal are optional: they are edited by individual researchers or research groups who propose and coordinate contributions related to a specific theme.

Chivalric fiction and Digital Humanities: ongoing projects

This section publishes brief information sheets on the state of the art of projects in progress dealing with the European literary fiction of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, which have a relationship with chivalric literature and which address their object of study from the perspective of digital humanities.

PHD Thesis

Fact sheets of recent PHD thesis, projects and dissertations

Privacy Statement

I nomi e gli indirizzi email inseriti in questo sito della rivista saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per gli scopi dichiarati e non verranno resi disponibili per nessun altro uso.